Our Mission
Committed to Christ,
Committed to Church, and
Committed to Intercultural Communities
Our Statement of Faith
We believe:
1) In God who is eternal, infinite and sovereign over all;
2) The entire Bible is inspired by God, complete in its 66 books, and is the definitive and sufficient means by which God reveals Himself to us His nature, attributes, intentions, designs, promises and plans;
3) God is one in three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one in substance, eternity and equality;
4) God created the world, including Adam and Eve, who were created in God’s image but chose to be gods over their own selves instead of God which resulted in all of humankind and creation becoming enslaved to sin;
5) God became incarnate in Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin woman, and bore the wrath and judgment of God against us and rose again from the dead, so that we may be forgiven and freed from our sins, saved from condemnation, and reconciled to God eternally;
6) God the Father planned and willed for the means of our salvation, for which God the Son, Jesus Christ, executed those plans and paid the price, and the Holy Spirit as the seal and guarantor of our salvation illuminates our hearts toward repentance and gives us faith to believe in Christ;
7) That in Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, we continue to be transformed closer to His image;
8) We are called to come together as the church, which is Christ’s bride and body, to love Him, serve Him and work with Him so that we may grow as disciples and grow more disciples of Christ, being baptized and baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;
9) The Kingdom of God has come in Jesus, and will fully come when He comes again to judge both the living and dead, who He shall raise, and we who are saved shall worship and serve Him without end.